Mastering Composition and Cinematography with Will Smith

April 4, 2017 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Latest News

Mastering Cinematography with Will Smith

Composition in filmmaking can set the tone and add value to your scenes. Think of composition as another character. It can suggest unhappiness or discomfort. It may even set the stage for underlying plot line or it can highlight the point of video of characters.

Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds is everywhere in nature. Since the beginning of time, artists and scientists have deconstructed beauty as an equation involving specific proportions.

The rule of thirds in cinema adds meaning to your shots.

Mastering composition and cinematography with Will Smith

There are no hard and fast rules set when it comes to filmmaking. Famous directors are known for using traditional and non conventional composition styles. American director Wes Anderson used single point perspective to frame subject matters. This works when surrounding elements are symmetrical and are positioned to effectively frame the subject matter. Stanley Kubrick used central framing techniques. George Romero used central framing in Mad Max keeping the subject matter in the centre of the screen lending to a cohesive viewing experience during action scenes.

Golden Ratio
In regards to proportions, it is a common ratio found in nature and the human body in one form or another.
Central framing:
When you keep subject matter in the centre of the frame.
Framing and composition
How elements are placed in a frame in relation to one another.